Address book - block entry
Many municipalities publish residents' registers or similar reference works. They contain information such as your name, a doctorate and your address. You can object to the publication of your data. You do not need to give reasons for your objection.
The registration authority must inform you of your right to object when you register. In addition, the authority will inform you of your right to object once a year by means of a customary local announcement.
Responsible department
the registration office of your place of residence
The registration authority is
- the municipal/city administration of your place of residence or
- the administrative community or the municipality that fulfils the tasks of the registration authority for your municipality of residence.
Entry in an address book
You must object to the transmission of your data. The objection is not bound to any particular form. You can therefore submit it in writing, electronically, verbally or for the record. Depending on the services offered by your municipality, a form is available for download.
Required documents
The registration office may request the following documents:
- Identity card or passport
- in the case of a written application: Copy of the passport or identity card
Processing time
usually one to four weeks
Legal basis
Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG):
- § 50 Absatz 5 Melderegisterauskünfte in besonderen Fällen
Release note
machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 10.10.2024