Information about Rastatt in easy language

This is the Internet page of the city of Rastatt in easy language.
This page should help all people to understand

Who needs easy language?

Easy language is for people who, for example:

  • can not speak good German
  • can not read well
  • have a mental disability
  • Have difficulty learning

How does the site work?

The pages are always structured in the same way.
Click on an area below.
Then you will see more information about it.

Upper area

At the top you can see some important links.

Links are texts or images that can be clicked on.
These take you to new pages.
Or open new areas.

Top navigation bar with font size, sign language, easy language, contrast and languages

Here you can see information on how to adjust the font size.
Here you can go to the easy language and sign language pages.
Here you can adjust the contrast of the page.
Here you can change the language.

Below you will see the logo, navigation and search.

Navigation bar with logo, page areas and search magnifier

Click on the logo.
This will take you to the start page.

The Internet site has 6 major sections:

  • My Rastatt
  • City Hall and Politics
  • Shape the future
  • Promote economy
  • Culture and leisure
  • Tourism

Click on an area.
Then the corresponding menu opens.
Click on a word in the opened menu.
Then the corresponding page opens.

opened menu of the "My Rastatt" area

Click outside the menu.
Or on the "x".
Then the menu closes.

The magnifying glass next to these areas represents the search.

How does the search work?

Click on the magnifying glass.
A search window opens.

opened search window with search field, search button and frequently searched words

Click on "Enter search term here now".
Type in a word.
Click on "Search".
Then the search starts.

Under this search you will find frequently searched pages.
Click on a word.
Then the corresponding page will open directly.

Click on the "x".
Then the search closes.

Medium range

Here is the content of the page.
On the right you will usually find additional information on the selected area.
For example, contact information and opening hours.

Content of the page "Citizen's Office

Lower area

Here you can see our social channels.
Click on an icon.
Then you are on our corresponding page.
Next to it you can see the addresses of our citizen office and city hall.

Logos of the social channels (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Stage), map of the streets in Rastatt, contact information for the town hall and citizens' office

Below you can see frequently visited pages.
Click on an icon.
Then you are on the corresponding page.

Icons and texts of frequently visited pages. E.g. "Online services", "Forms"

At the very bottom you will see important links.

Logo of Rastatt and names of the links. E.g. "Imprint", "Data protection
  • Imprint:
    Here it says: who owns the internet site.
  • Data protection:
    Here it says: how do we handle your information.
  • Feed-Back:
    Here you can contact us.
  • Content:
    Here is: List of all pages of this Internet site.
  • Accessibility:
    Here it says: Our Accessibility Statement.
  • Cookies:
    Here is our cookie tool.

Mobile use

Our website can also be used on cell phones.
Here only the navigation is different.

Search magnifier and three strokes with title "Menu

On the far right you will see 3 dashes.
These are for navigation.
Click on them.
Then the menu will open.

Click on an arrow on the right.
Then you will see the sub-items.

Click on "x".
Then the menu closes.

What do the pages say?


At the top you see a red box.
Here is always a current important note.
Click on "learn more".
Then you see more information about it.
Click on the "x".
Then the window closes.

Under the hint is again the search.

Below you can see some information about:

  • our social channels
  • Top topics of our site
  • Events in Rastatt
  • current news about Rastatt
  • our most visited pages
  • Rastatt data and partners

Click on the icons and boxes.
Then you will see more information on the respective topics.

In addition, here is a video of Rastatt.
Click on this icon for it:

Video start icon with "Watch image video" inscription

Then a box with the video opens.
Click on the "x".
Then this box closes again.

My Rastatt

Here you can find general information about Rastatt.
For example about life and education in Rastatt.
Also here is information about the history and environment of Rastatt.

City Hall and Politics

Here you will find answers to various questions such as:

  • How do I get a passport?
  • How do I register a trade?
  • How to get married in the registry office?

Furthermore, you will find all our forms and services here.
In addition, there is information on politics and careers in Rastatt.

Shape the future

Here you will find current and future projects for urban development.
The digitization of Rastatt.
And information about our state garden show in 2036.

Promote economy

Here you will find information on commercial areas and companies in Rastatt.
In addition, you will find an overview of gastronomy in Rastatt.

There is also information here on the start-up center in Rastatt.
This supports companies.
For example, there are workspaces for rent here.

Culture and leisure

Here you can find information about playgrounds and markets in Rastatt.
You can also see the events and clubs of Rastatt.

Get to know the art and culture of Rastatt here.
For example, through our museums and city tours.


Here you can visit our tourism page:

What does our accessibility statement say?

Every public entity must have an accessibility statement.
This statement states:

How barrier-free is our website?

Not all of our PDF files are accessible.
Not all images may have alternative text.
Older videos do not have subtitles.

Where can barriers be reported?

Can you not understand something?
Can you not read something?
Can you not hear something?
Can you hardly use our internet site?
Then contact us.
We will help you.

You can reach us at:
Rathaus Rastatt
Marktplatz 1
76437 Rastatt
Phone: 072 22 97 20

After that we have four weeks to answer.
Answer or don't we help?
Then you can contact the Enforcement Office.
There is the Disability Commissioner from the state of Baden-Württemberg:
Simone Fischer.
She helps people with disabilities.

How to reach Ms. Fischer:
State Commissioner for Disabled Persons Simone Fischer
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart

For more information, please visit: Disability Officer

You can also contact the representative for the disabled in your district.
For the city of Rastatt it is the district of Rastatt.

Sign Language

Every public place must have videos in sign language.
Sign language is a language with hand signs.
People who cannot hear or speak talk with hand signs.
The videos help these people to understand the internet site.
You can find our videos in sign language here: Sign Language

Easy language

Every public body must have an easy language page.
You are currently on this page.
Here you will find the main content in easy language.
Here you will find the structure of the page in easy language.