The town twinning with Woking is the youngest in Rastatt and has existed since 2001. Contacts with the town of 63,000 inhabitants came about on the initiative of the Woking Town Twinning Association (WTTA) after a Mercedes plant (McLaren) was established there in the same way as in Rastatt.
Woking town centre.
Foto: Stadt Woking
Moschee in Woking.
Foto: Stadt Woking
Brookwod Friedhof in Woking.
Foto: Stadt Woking
Basingstoke Canal in Woking.
Foto: Woking Borough Council
Pupils from Woking visited Rastatt just a few weeks after the official signing of the twinning agreement. Since then, there has been lively contact between the towns at a political and private level, as well as with the WTTA. Its members regularly visit Rastatt. Woking is located in the south of England in the county of Surrey, around an hour from London. Rastatt's twin town is a modern and green town with several typical suburbs. Further information about Woking can be found here.