The Städtische Galerie Fruchthalle offers accompanying events for each exhibition. Guided tours for groups, school classes or individuals, workshops and creative projects allow visitors to actively engage with contemporary art and the artworks in the collection.
Art education for preschool children and pupils of all ages
Offer 1: Fascinating bodies in space
The exhibition is visited first. There are many sculptures in the Rastatt Collection. What can be seen? Can the artwork be recreated or drawn on paper? There are no limits to imagination and creativity. The works are explored playfully and in conversation. Then it's time to make your own sculpture out of wood, clay or cardboard.
Offer 2: Who am I? We print a self-portrait
Together, the participants look at the painted or printed portraits by Jan-Hendrik Pelz and Anselm Kiefer. Following the exhibition visit, a self-portrait will be made.
Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours, cost: 1 euro per participant. Registration and information by e-mail:
Do, Fr, Sa: 12 bis 17 Uhr
So und an Feiertagen: 11 bis 17 Uhr
Erwachsene 4 Euro, ermäßigt 2 Euro
Eintritt frei am 1. Freitag im Monat
Führungen: 45 Euro (Mo-Fr), 55 Euro (Wochenende/Feiertage)
Führungen, Aktionen und vieles mehr (PDF) (2.3 MB)
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