Procedure descriptions

Register residence

If you move into a new home, you must register with the registration office responsible for you at your new place of residence within two weeks of moving in.

The electronic residence registration online service is currently being introduced in stages in Baden-Württemberg. You can also register your new home online here under certain conditions (see below).

Please first check on the official website for residence registration whether the online service is already available in your municipality:

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

the registration office of your new place of residence

The registration authority is

  • the municipal/city administration of your place of residence or
  • the administrative community or the municipality that fulfils the tasks of the registration authority for your municipality of residence.



To register, you usually have to appear in person at the registration office. The registration office will record your new data and provide you with a printout of the data. You confirm the accuracy and completeness of your data by signing the printout.

You will then receive written confirmation in the form of a free official registration confirmation.

For electronic residence registration :

  • You call up the online service.
  • You log in to the online service with your user account.
  • You enter all the required data online and submit the form online.
  • You will then receive an official registration confirmation electronically.


You must register your new place of residence within 2 weeks of moving into your new home.

Required documents

  • At least one proof of identity. These are usually
  • Identity card and / or passport
  • Identity documents of family members: For children who do not have a children's passport, you must present the birth certificate.
  • Certificate from the landlord (if you are moving into a rented property)
  • Authorisation if you wish to register on behalf of another person

The registration office may request further documents from you to prove the information provided. Example: Marriage certificate, birth certificate.

Tip: You can have the address in your identity documents updated at the same time as registering your place of residence.

For electronic residence registration :

  • ID card with online ID function and AusweisApp2
  • Certificate from the landlord (if you are moving into a rented property)


There are no fees.


You can also register your family members if they have lived with you in the same home and are moving with you. If your municipality is already connected to the electronic residence registration online service, the registration can be carried out by both single persons of legal age and family members. If you are moving from one home to another together, an adult person must also register their spouse/partner and/or underage children.

If you are under 16 years of age, you must be registered by the person whose home you are moving into.

If you are over 18 and a carer or guardian has been appointed for you who can determine your residence, your new home must be registered by your carer or guardian.

You only have to register newborn babies born in Germany if they move into a different home to that of their parents or mother.

Your landlord is obliged to confirm in writing that you have moved into the new home. Present this certificate to the registration office. Confirmation from the landlord is also possible electronically. In this case, you will receive an allocation feature that is used to process the confirmation.

Legal basis

Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG)

  • § 17 Absatz 1 und 3 Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG)
  • § 21 Absatz 4 Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG)
  • § 23 Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG)
  • § 23a Elektronische Anmeldung (BMG)
  • § 24 Absatz 1 Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG)

Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Durchführung des Bundesmeldegesetztes (BMGVwV)

  • Nummern 17.1, 17.3, 22 und 23.0 bis 23.0.2

§ 5 Baden-württembergisches Ausführungsgesetz zum Bundesmeldegesetz

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 23.07.2024