Due to its age and importance, the Rastatt Historical Library is exclusively a reference library that can be used for academic purposes and by prior appointment. Books cannot be borrowed and can only be viewed in the reading room during opening hours or at agreed times.
Frequently asked questions about using the library
Administration office and reading room
The library administration office is located on the first floor, right corridor, room 3. The reading area is also located on the first floor, in the former refectory.
The library hall can be reached via the staircase on the right. On the second floor, follow the corridor to the right. The entrance to the hall is at the far end of the corridor.
Research, scans and photographs
If the holdings are electronically cataloged, they can be searched via the online catalog. The media will then be made available by the library administration. It is possible to make copies and scans, but only if the condition of the books allows it. In principle, it is possible to photograph the rooms and holdings, but only after consultation with the library administration. Photographs may not be taken in special exhibitions, as items on loan are often shown for which the owners have their own image rights.
Wardrobe and bags
Mo, Di, Mi: 10 bis 12 Uhr
Di: 14 bis 15 Uhr
Öffnungszeiten Sonderausstellung
sonntags, feiertags: 11 bis 17 Uhr
sowie bei öffentlichen Führungen und nach vorheriger Anmeldung
Eintrittspreise Sonderausstellung
Erwachsene 4 Euro, ermäßigt 2 Euro
Eintritt frei am 1. Freitag im Monat
Führungen: 45 Euro (Mo-Fr), 55 Euro (Wochenende/Feiertage)
Die Nutzung der Historischen Bibliothek zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken ist kostenfrei
Weitere Informationen
Historische Bibliothek Rastatt: FAQ (PDF) (45 KB)
Städtische Museen Rastatt: Besucher- und Benutzungsordnung (PDF) (14 KB)
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