What was originally planned as a local history museum for Ottersdorf in the 1960s was renovated in three stages with EU funding. it opened its doors as the Riedmuseum in 1994.
1963: A museum of local history for Ottersdorf
1963: The Baden-Baden architect Josef Seitz, who was born in Ottersdorf, suggested to the local council that a local history museum be set up to preserve the history of Ottersdorf. Citizens were asked to collect typical local objects of historical value and hand them in to the municipality.
1965: The oil mill was included in the plans for the museum of local history as a technical cultural monument. Initially, the purchase and renovation failed, mainly due to the financial resources of the municipality.
1971: When Ottersdorf was incorporated, the merger agreement with Rastatt emphasized the importance of promoting the cultural life and local customs of the Ried community.
1980s: The Riedmuseum is built
1986: The town of Rastatt buys the property at Am Kirchplatz 6. Maria Burster, née Jung, was still living in the house at the time, but was granted a lifelong right of residence.
As part of the village development program of the state of Baden-Württemberg, later also known as the "Ländlicher Raum" program, the Kirchplatz as the town center underwent an enormous upgrade. As a result, the neighboring property "Lamm" was also acquired for the museum in the barn. At the same time, the EU's PAMINA project was launched. Among other things, it envisaged a decentralized museum route on the French and German sides in order to present the cultural and landscape area in the Southern Palatinate (PA=Palatinat), the central Upper Rhine (MI) and Northern Alsace (NA=Nord Alsace). As part of the overall concept of the PAMINA museums, the "Rhine Correction" theme was to be implemented in the Riedmuseum.
1991: The museum ship Heini
1993 - 2001: Gradual opening of the Riedmuseum
1993: When Maria Burster died, the town acquired the entire inventory of the house in order to present the authentic living situation, which is exemplary for the Ried. In this year, the oil mill, the oil mill building, the barn and the pigsty were restored.
1994: The museum in the barn is opened and the oil mill is made accessible to the public.
From 1999: The residential building at Am Kirchplatz 6 is renovated.
2001: The residential building is opened as part of the Ried Museum.
Das Riedmuseum Rastatt ist von März bis Oktober geöffnet
Fr, Sa, So und an Feiertagen: 14 Uhr bis 18 Uhr
Gruppenführungen nach Vereinbarung
Erwachsene 4 Euro, ermäßigt 2 Euro
Eintritt frei am 1. Freitag im Monat
Führungen: 45 Euro (Mo-Fr), 55 Euro (Wochenende/Feiertage)
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