Every year, numerous pupils from the music school take part in the "Jugend musiziert" competition. Together with the Clara Schumann Music School in Baden-Baden, the Rastatt Municipal Music School organizes the competition for the region of the district of Rastatt and the city of Baden-Baden, which traditionally takes place on the last weekend in January. The prizewinners' concert and the organization of the competition alternate annually between the two cities.
The competition is divided into three phases: The more than 160 regional competitions are followed by state competitions and a competition at national level. Certificates and prizes are awarded at each stage, as well as awards, scholarships and special prizes from other institutions. The closing date for entries is November 15 of the previous year.
The conditions of participation and the electronic registration form are available on the website of the German Music Council. All information on the Rastatt/Baden-Baden regional competition can also be found there.