Equality between women and men is a central concern of the city of Rastatt. It is committed to ensuring that the principle of equal opportunities for women and men with and without a migration background is just as effective in companies and public institutions as it is in schools, clubs and everyday life.
The fundamental rights of all citizens are enshrined in Article 3 of the German Basic Law. This also includes the right to equal rights and protection against discrimination. The city's Equal Opportunities Officer develops targeted measures to counteract these disadvantages.
Tasks of the municipal equal opportunities officer
- Contact point for people in Rastatt seeking advice on equal opportunities, family, care and work, support for career development or domestic violence
- Organization of events and campaigns on current equality issues
- Cooperation with other individuals, organizations, groups and initiatives committed to equality policy
- Contact person for all employees of the Rastatt city administration
The most important contact and advice centers
Help hotline "Violence against women"
The nationwide helpline is available around the clock, 365 days a year, on 116 016 and online at www.hilfetelefon.de. It offers confidential and free help and support. Anonymous, multilingual and barrier-free.
Women's and children's shelter Baden-Baden/Rastatt district
The women's and children's shelter offers protection, refuge and support to women and their children who are affected by physical and/or emotional violence.
Phone: 07222/774140
E-mail: info@frauenhaus-baden-baden-rastatt.de
Women help women and girls Rastatt e.V.
Counseling and meeting place for women and children in critical life situations. Help with physical, emotional and domestic violence.
Phone: 07222/37722
E-mail: kontakt@fhf-rastatt.de
Feuervogel e.V.
Association for a self-determined life - free from sexual violence
Phone: 07222 / 788838 or 0179 / 4102718
E-mail: info@feuervogel-rastatt.de
Help hotline "Pregnant women in need"
The helpline can be reached around the clock on 0800 40 40 020 and online at www.hilfetelefon-schwangere.de. It provides information about help for pregnant women and also refers them to local advice centers. The service is anonymous, multilingual and barrier-free.
Confidential birth
The confidential birth model primarily supports women who wish to keep their pregnancy a secret. Confidential birth is a medically safe service for pregnant women who are unable to disclose their pregnancy. At www.geburt-vertraulich.de, women are given comprehensive information about the help available for pregnant women and anonymous online advice is offered.
Advice and help with pregnancy, family and life
Diakonisches Werk des Evangelischen Kirchenbezirks Baden-Baden & Rastatt
Phone: 07222/35021
E-mail: rastatt@diakonie-bad-ra.de
Pregnancy and conflict counseling
Rastatt District Health Department
Phone: 07222/381-2315
E-mail: c.klein@landkreis-rastatt.de
Mothers and Family Center Löwenzahn e.V.
Phone: 07222 / 30709
E-Mail: info@mueze-rastatt.de
Parent and family education of the city of Rastatt
E-Mail: kindertagesbetreuung@rastatt.de
Professional development
Career counseling in working life
Karlsruhe-Rastatt Employment Agency
Phone: 0721 / 823-2555
E-mail: Karlsruhe-Rastatt.585-Berufsberatung-im-Erwerbsleben@arbeitsagentur.de
Commissioner for Equal Opportunities in the Labor Market
Karlsruhe-Rastatt Employment Agency
Phone: 0721 / 823-3344
E-mail: Karlsruhe-Rastatt.BCA@arbeitsagentur.de
Commissioner for Equal Opportunities in the Labor Market
Jobcenter Landkreis Rastatt
Phone: 07222 / 930-396
E-Mail: Jobcenter-Landkreis-Rastatt-Beauftragte-fuer-Chancengleichheit@jobcenter-ge.de
Office of the Lord Mayor
Support services for domestic and sexualized violence